Because UCLA is a public institution, the university and taxpayers may be victims of fraud when an employee or other party misappropriates university assets. Those assets may take the form of funds, property, personnel, facilities, intellectual property and records, including patient and student records. Even UCLA’s name and symbols are protected properties that may not be used without proper authorization.
Because of our public standing, we refer to suspected fraud involving university assets as Improper Governmental Activity.
Whose responsibility is it to report Improper Governmental Activity at UCLA?
It is every employee’s responsibility to report known or suspected activities that may result in a loss, financial or otherwise. Those responsibilities are described more fully in UCLA Financial Policy and UCLA Procedure 360.1 Misappropriation of University Assets by University Academic, Staff, and Student Employees.
Will my reporting of suspected financial or other misconduct place my job in jeopardy?
When you make a good faith disclosure of your concerns involving suspected impropriety, you automatically achieve the status of a “Whistleblower.” See the UCLA Administrative Policies & Compliance Office webpage for complete descriptions of Whistleblowers’ rights and the procedures to which the university adheres in relation to Whistleblowers’ complaints.
Where do I report my suspicions?
Start with your supervisor, manager or director. If you believe that they may be involved in the alleged wrongdoing, or they have ignored your prior complaint, we recommend that you call the UC Confidential Hotline, (800) 403-4744, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The UCLA Whistleblower Policies and Procedures web page includes a PDF version of the campus-wide flyer that contains the hotline number and related information.